Major publicly-traded corporations stand to profit enormously from Trump’s hateful agenda. That's why they are "Backers of Hate."
Boycott the products and services of these companies and divest their company stock from your individual stock portfolios; and dump any mutual funds that hold these companies in the the top ten positions by fund asset percentage!
The JP Morgan Chase's CEO is on the kleptocratic Trump’s Business Council; it's a financier of immigrant detention and private prison companies; and a major creditor to oil and gas industry (symbol JPM)
Wells Fargo is a Trump creditor; financier of, and investor in, immigrant detention and private prison companies; financier of Dakota Access pipeline (symbol WFC)
Goldman Sach's most sleazy executives are part of a revolving door to the Trump administration; investors in private prison and immigrant detention companies (symbol GS)
War profiteer Boeing's CEO is on Trump’s Manufacturing Jobs Initiative; Boeing's former CEO is on Trump’s Business Council; Boeing is a contractor for the racist border enforcement agency aka ICE (symbol BA)
Disney executives sit on Trump’s Business Council; Disney is a major workers’ rights abuser (Disney subcontractors); Disney are major opponents of paid sick day legislation. (symbol DIS)
IBM's CEO sits on Trump’s Business Council; IMB is a contractor for immigration enforcement agency; IBM refused to publicly condemn Muslim and refugee ban (symbol IBM)
Blackrock's CEO was an early Trump supporter and sits on Trump’s Business Council; Blackrock is a major shareholder of private prison and immigrant detention companies (symbol BLK)
Uber's CEO sits on Trump's Business Council until the Uber boycott #deleteuber campaign; in the tradition of Trump, company exploits workers and is fighting their efforts to unionize
Blackstone CEO chairs Trump’s Business Council; major investor in oil and gas industry and is a potential major Trump "kleptocracy" infrastructure financier (symbol BX)
Hate Profiteering is the new norm on Wall Street now that Trump has given CEOs license to abuse customers and citizens.
Use your boycott and stock divestment power to stop it!