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Even now, in late 2022, after four plus years of Donald Trump’s plutocratically inept Federal governance, the Trump cult media machine keeps feeding his gullible self-destructive, increasingly neo-fascist base even more delusional political nonsense.
Trump’s revisionist history media crusaders are doing their sick best to rewrite his failures into triumphs, his lies into gospel, and his petty scapeging grievances into righteous battles. And this is especially true after the fascist insurrectionist mob attack that murdered people on January 6, which Trump is unquestionably directly responsible for.
You would think that at long last the people who have empowered Donald Trump from the beginning would stare into their hearts and finally reassess their bizarre obedience to this spiritually and emotionally sick man.
In fact, in a functional civil society, one would think that the Covid-19 body count would strike some chord deep in their souls and their social problem solving abilities.
You would also think that his dangerously gullible political base at long last would see past Trump's manipulative bluster and lies, and finally, at long last, demand something remotely sane and competent of him. 

Thankfully, for our national sanity, we had to rely on FaceBook and Twitter to silence the white supremacist cult demagogue known as Donald Trump.
Sadly, for this nation, it may be that Donald Trump and his cult enablers love every second of the dysfunctional circus surrounding his reign of hate and scapegoating. The Trump base is clearly "addicted" to an ugly national drama that has created their own evangelical neofascist death panels.
For Trump himself, it’s what he always craves: attention, the spotlight, and the sole focus of everyone, everywhere, regardless of the dire consequences.
The Coronavirus pandemic was nothing more than a sick reality TV show for him, a daily opportunity to play to the camera and play the megalomaniacal fool that he is.
Like a monkey behind the wrought-iron White House fences throwing rhetorical feces at his chosen enemies, "praise-terbating" over his own faux brilliance, and retrofitting reality to suit his political and ego needs, Trump’s only regret about COVID-19 was that the show will someday end. Fortunately for all, he was purged from the White House and the pandemic is hopefully weakening.
American Must Never Forget The Ugly Reality
Many months ago, Trump and members of his administration suggested that the coronavirus was not just “contained,” but contained “pretty close to airtight."
They compared deaths from Covid-19 to deaths from smoking and opioids; they even fired a Navy captain for daring to sound the alarm about the spread of the virus aboard his aircraft carrier - and of course Trump later tested positive for the disease himself.
The president’s airhead son-in-law and shameless opportunist, Jared Kushner, even declared live on national TV that the Strategic National Stockpile was “....OUR stockpile” and not for use by hard-hit states.
Republican members of Congress took photos mocking the spread of Covid-19; went swimming in the Senate pool hours after being tested for the disease; insisted on shaking hands with reporters on Capitol Hill; and told their constituents that it was a “great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant” — in clear defiance of their own CDC scientific advice on social distancing.
And never forget the moronic GOP governors across the country who refused to close beaches, refused to stop going out to crowded public places, and either refused to listen to the scientific advice on social distancing or pretended to be unaware of it.
Going back as far as April 2020, as the national death toll mounted, eight governors in the U.S. had “decided against issuing statewide directives urging their residents to stay at home” — all of them Republicans.
Moreover, the hosts of Trump's cult propaganda media machine Fox News fell over one another tring to dismiss or downplay the threat from the coronavirus, which one described as “yet another attempt to impeach the president." Another Fox sycophant said the more they learned about it “the less there is to worry about it”; while yet another announced that 2020 “was the safest time to fly.”
The biggest name on Fox News, the vile & soulless Sean Hannity, not only compared the coronavirus to the seasonal flu, but he also suggested that it might be a “deep-state” plot against Trump while accusing Democrats of “weaponizing an infectious disease” to “bludgeon” the president.
Never forget the dozens of other insane right-wing media personalities who misrepresented graphs and claimed that 1) the “coronavirus is LESS dangerous than the seasonal flu” for people under 60; 2) who derided those warning about the dangers of the virus as a “doomsday cult”; 3) who suggested that we might be “better off if we gave [the coronavirus] to everybody” in order to save the stock market; 4) who wondered whether we “might be better off letting a few hundred thousand people die.”
The long ago discredited and mentally ill Glenn Beck, who once accused Barack Obama of trying to kill elderly patients with his “death panels,” insisted that older Americans should ignore the risk of infection and return to work because “even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the economy.”
Never forget the numerous far-right Christian evangelical pastors who tried to blame the coronavirus on everything from the liberal “transgendering” of “little children” to “a world that has turned its back on God.”
Never forget what these reckless and moronic people said and did, how dangerously and shamefully they behaved, as American jobs were lost in their millions and American lives were lost in their hundreds of thousands.
Never forget — and, most important of all, never believe anything these disturbed sick people listed above say about anything ever again.

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